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8 Surprising Everyday Ways We Impact The Environment.

by Shawn Crowle

Our day-to-day decisions can have a significant impact on the environment without us even realizing. Here are 8 surprising ways we might be affecting the environment and what we can do instead to move toward a brighter future.

1. Showering & Bathing

We all enjoy a warm shower or a relaxing bath, but the amount of water and energy used as a result adds up. On average, a ten minute shower uses 20 – 25 gallons of water, and heating that water consumes energy. Opt for shorter showers, install a low-flow showered, and try cooler water settings to reduce energy consumption.

2. Using Personal Care Products

The shampoos, lotions, and cosmetics we use often contain microplastics and harmful chemicals that wash into our waterways. These substances can harm aquatic life and disrupt ecosystems. Look for eco-friendly, natural products that are free from harmful chemicals and microplastics.

3. Washing Your Clothes

Laundry might seem like a mundane task, but washing machines use significant amounts of both water and energy, and synthetic fabrics release microplastics into the water along with harsh chemicals. Again, opt for natural fabrics or use a microfibre filter and choose natural detergents. Washing in cold water can save energy as well.

4. Driving Short Distances

Using a car for short trips not only burns fuel inefficiently but also increases greenhouse gas emissions. Many of us drive even when our destination is in walking distance. Walk, bike or use public transportation for short trips. Not only will this reduce your carbon footprint, but it can also improve your health!

5. Cooking

Cooking meals, especially those that require long baking or boiling times, can use significant amounts of energy. Use a microwave, pressure cooker, or slow cooker for energy efficient meal preparation, batch cook to cut down on power consumption, and turn off your stove-top or oven when food is nearly completion.

6. Wasting Food

Speaking of food, did you know that it’s estimated that 40% of food in Canada is wasted? Throwing away food not only wastes the resources used to produce it but also contributes to methane emissions when it decomposes in landfills. Plan your meals, store food properly, and compost scraps to minimize waste.

7. Overusing Your Air Conditioner

During our hot summers air conditioning can be a literal life-saver, but it’s also a significant energy consumer. Overusing your air conditioner increases your carbon footprint and puts significant strain on the power grid. Setting your thermostat even a few degrees higher and using fans to circulate air, can make a substantial difference in your energy consumption while still keeping your home comfortable

8. Wasting Electricity

Leaving the lights on, keeping devices plugged in, or using power-hungry appliances all contributes to unnecessary electricity consumption. Even when not in use, plugged-in devices draw power. Unplug devices when not in use, use energy efficient lighting and appliances and turn lights off when you leave the room. All of this can dramatically reduce your electricity consumption.

These simple adjustments to our routines can help us all reduce our environmental footprint and move towards a brighter future.