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Harnessing Solar Energy in Alberta and Working Toward a Brighter Future!

by Shawn Crowle

As Albertans, we know the sun shines brightly on our beautiful province, and it’s no surprise that many are turning to solar energy as a sustainable and cost-effective solution for their power needs. With over 300 days of sunlight each year, Alberta is well-positioned to harness this clean energy source, and the numbers speak for themselves!

How Does Solar Work?

So, how does solar energy work? It all starts with photovoltaic cells, which convert sunlight into direct current (DC) power. An inverter then transforms this DC power into alternating current (AC), the kind of electricity we use in our homes. A bidirectional meter tracks the energy flowing both into your home and back to the grid, ensuring you have a reliable supply of power, even when your solar array isn’t producing enough electricty.

The Growth of Solar in Alberta!

The solar landscape in Alberta is thriving! As of September 2024, there were over 23,431 active solar sites in the province, nearly four times as many as just 4 years prior. In Camrose alone, we’ve seen a remarkable increase in installations. Twelve years ago, Camrose saw its first two grid-tied solar arrays installed. Fast forward, and today there are 121 solar sites within the city and another 75 across Camrose County.

Debunking Common Solar Myths.

Despite the rising popularity of solar energy, misconceptions still exist. Many people believe that solar systems are too expensive or take too long to pay off. In reality, the average payback period for residential solar systems is between 10 and 12 years. However, by joining the Solar Club, this can be reduced to as little as 6 years!

Another common myth is that Canada’s cold climate isn’t suitable for solar energy. On the contrary, Alberta’s sunny days make it an ideal location for solar generation. In fact, solar panels operate more efficiently in cooler temperatures, and coupled with the fact that we experience, on average, over 300 days of sunlight, Alberta is ideally suited for solar power!

Joining the Solar Club!

If you’re considering solar energy for your some, the Solar Club is an excellent option! This initiative not only provides resources and guidance but also offers financial incentives that can significantly reduce your overall costs. By joining, you can enjoy a shorter payback period and a more substantial return on your investment.

Finding the Right Solar Installer

Choosing the right solar installer is crucial for a successful installation. Research is key! Look for local companies with positive reviews, experience, and clear warranty policies. Ask questions about your electrical panel, your system size, your installation site, and potential shading impacts.

Embracing solar energy is a step toward a brighter, more sustainable future for Alberta. With the sun shining brightly and the benefits of joining the Solar Club, there’s never been a better time to explore solar options! For more information about solar energy or the Solar Club, give us a call at (790) 781-4115 today – we love to talk solar!