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Your Top Solar Questions Answered: Get the Most Out of Your Solar Array.

by Cameron Domes

Navigating the ins and outs of your solar array can feel tricky, especially when you’re just starting. At Camrose Energy, we often hear a few common questions from Solar Club members, so we’ve put together this guide to clear things up and help you make the most of your solar system.

Why Am I Not Producing As Much As I Should?

The short answer: it’s winter.

Your system’s size and energy production are calculated based on an entire year’s worth of energy. This includes those winter months when we get as little as 8 hours of sunlight a day and panels are sometimes covered in snow.

If your array was installed recently, your production will look low at first. Don’t worry—come summer, when we enjoy 16+ hours of sunlight a day, your production will skyrocket. That’s why the Solar Club offers a higher rate during the summer: you’ll earn more for the extra energy your system produces and feeds into the grid.

Over the course of the year, production averages out. If you’re still seeing significantly lower results than expected, it’s worth reaching out to your installer to check that everything is working properly.

Why Doesn’t My Monitoring App Match My Bill?

If you’re paying close attention to your production monitor app and your bill, you might notice the numbers don’t match. Here’s why:

Your solar array powers your home first, and only the excess energy (what you don’t use) is sent to the grid—and that’s the energy you’re paid for. This is what shows up on your bill.

Pro tip: To make the most of your solar array, try running high-energy appliances, like your washer and dryer, during the day. This way, you’ll use the energy your array generates and avoid extra fees for pulling energy from the grid.

Why Am I Paying a Bill and a Loan When I Was Told I Wouldn’t?

It can take time to build up credits on your account, especially if your array wasn’t running during the high-rate season (March–October). Without those extra-long summer days, it’s harder to fully take advantage of the Solar Club’s benefits.

After spending a full 6 months on the high rate, you’ll typically have enough credits to cover your electricity bill during the lower-rate winter months. Over a full year, things should balance out.

Adding new energy-hungry appliances like an A/C, hot tub, deep freezer, or electric vehicle after your array is installed can also impact how much of your bill your system can cover. Keep that in mind when planning new additions.

When Should I Do A Rate Change?

You’ll receive reminders from our customer care team in March and October to switch to the high or low rate, respectively. As a general rule:

  • Switch to the high rate when your average monthly production is higher than your average monthly usage.
  • Switch to the low rate when your production drops below your usage.

Check your monitoring app for this information, or crunch the numbers yourself. Solar Club members can even backdate rate changes to their last meter read, ensuring they get the most out of their monthly production.

Do I Need To Maintain My Array?

The good news: minimal effort is required.

  • Snow and Debris: In winter, wind and sunlight usually clear snow from your panels. In summer, rain takes care of dirt and dust.
  • Safety First: Climbing on your roof to clear panels poses a risk of falling, so we don’t recommend it. A few snowy days won’t make a big difference in your annual production.

Any necessary maintenance on your panels or inverters should be handled by your installer under warranty. If you notice a panel isn’t producing energy when it should, give them a call to get it resolved.

We hope this answers your solar questions! If there’s anything else you’d like to know, feel free to reach out – we love to talk solar. At Camrose Energy, we’re here to help you get the most out of your Solar Club membership.