by Cameron Domes
Spring is on its way, and that means longer days and more sunshine—great news for Alberta’s solar microgenerators! As your system starts producing more energy, you may be wondering: When is the best time to switch to the Solar Club™ high production rate?
At Camrose Energy, you’re in control. Unlike some providers who automatically switch customers on a set date, we believe you should decide when it makes the most sense for your system.

Why Flexibility Matters for Solar Club™ Members
Not all solar systems are the same, and weather can be unpredictable. Maybe your setup is smaller, and you need to wait for those long summer days before your production outpaces your usage. Or perhaps this year’s spring weather is sunnier than usual, and you want to switch earlier. Every system – and every year – is different. That’s why Camrose Energy gives you the freedom to choose your rate switch date instead of locking you into a pre-determined schedule.
With The Solar Club™ and Camrose Energy, you can also backdate your rate change to your last meter read, so you don’t have to guess. Meter reads typically happen around the 20th of each month (though this varies by location and wire service provider). You can check your meter read date on page 2 of your bill under “Detailed Charge Summary.”

How to Make the Most of Your Rate Change
For the best results:
- Wait until your solar array is producing more energy than you use before switching to the high production rate. Since you buy and sell electricity at the same rate, switching too early could cost you more.
- Monitor your system and local weather conditions before making the switch. A cloudy or stormy month could mean waiting a little longer is the smarter choice.
- Take advantage of a particularly sunny month by backdating your rate change to your last meter read, ensuring you maximize your earnings.
How to Change Your Solar Club™ Rate
Switching rates is quick and easy through your Camrose Energy account. If it’s your first time, we know it can feel a little confusing—but don’t worry! We’re happy to help. Just give us a call at 780-781-4115, and we’ll walk you through the process.
At Camrose Energy, you get the power to choose – because your solar savings should be in your hands.