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Can I Cash In My Solar Credits Each Year Instead of Applying Them to Future Bills?

by Shawn Crowle

If you’ve been part of Camrose Energy’s Solar Club™ for a while, you might have accumulated a tidy sum of solar credits—especially during those bright, sunny Alberta summers. Naturally, you might be wondering, “Can I cash out these credits and get the money in my pocket instead of rolling them over to my next bill?”

The good news is yes, you absolutely can. As soon as you have $200 or more in solar credits for two consecutive months, you’re free to request a direct deposit. In other words, you’ll receive real cash for the extra energy your solar panels generated.

What Are My Options For Solar Credits?

When you build up solar credits, you essentially have two ways to use them:

  • Keep them on file – Let your credits accumulate and apply them toward your electricity or natural gas bills later in the year. This is especially handy during our cold Alberta winters, when you might not generate as much solar power.
  • Request a payout – If you meet the threshold of $200 in credits for at least two months in a row, you can ask Camrose Energy to pay out those credits as a direct deposit. After all, sometimes you might prefer a little extra money in your bank account.

Why Choose a Payout?

  • An Immediate Savings Boost – Life happens, and having access to extra cash can come in handy. It might go toward home improvements, holiday expenses or any number of other financial needs or gaols..
  • Flexible Budgeting – Some folks enjoy seeing a smaller electricity bill roll in each month, but others appreciate the freedom of having their solar earnings in hand. It all comes down to your personal preference.

The Benefit to Banking Credits for Future Bills.

  • A Winter Cushion – Alberta winters can be long and sometimes not as sunny, which means solar production may dip. Having a balance of credits ready to offset those months can be a big help.
  • Set It and Forget It – Many people find it simpler just to leave their credits where they are, rather than arranging a payout. It’s one less thing to think about, and your credits will automatically apply to upcoming bills.

The Choice Is Yours.

At the end of the day, Camrose Energy’s Solar Club wants to give you the freedom to decide how to use your solar credits. Whether you’re the type to cash them out as soon as you hit $200 for two months or you’d rather bank them for a rainy (or snowy!) day, the power is in your hands.

Have questions? Feel free to reach out to our friendly team – we love to talk Solar! We’ll walk you through the process and answer any questions you have. It’s all about helping you take control of your energy bills – and your money.