We are so excited to partner with Habitat for Humanity Camrose and Solar Harvest.  We are working together to put solar onto the Restore building.  We thought you may want to be part of this project!

This project will have several benefits.  It will reduce the carbon footprint of the store.  This will result in decreased utility costs by reducing consumption and distribution costs.  This will have a trickledown effect of saving Habitat money on operation costs.  In turn this will permit more money to be available to help them provide affordable housing for more families.

Habitat brings affordable home ownership to partner families who may not otherwise qualify for conventional mortgages.  These families obtain a home at fair market value, with interest free mortgages.  Their down payment is in the form of 500 sweat equity hours.  Habitat has a qualifying process to ensure they help build their partner families up for success.  Qualified Partner families have been screened and qualify with their income, debt load and credit score.

The benefits of homeownership are more than just a financial gain for these families.  It builds strength, stability and self-reliance within the entire family unit.  It can mean that 14 year old boy gets his own room.  That he no longer needs to share a room with his mom out of necessity. Or those parents that no longer needs to hold down multiple jobs just to provide the necessities.  Affordable home ownership will give these parents the gift of time to be with her children more.  What long term effect will that have for these children?  That is priceless.

We would love to invite you to join us in the Power to change lives.  How many times does a donation get to impact environmental, economic and social change all at once?  We are aiming to raise $23,000 additional dollars.  This is in addition to $19,000 we already have in pledges.

To make your tax deductible contribution:

Cheques can be made to Habitat for Humanity Camrose, with Solar in the memo box.  Mailed to 5007-46 Street, Camrose, Alberta, T4V 3G3

If you wish to leverage your donation with the ATB cares program they will top up your donation by 15%.  You can use a credit card at the link below also noting Solar in the comments


Thank you for your assistance.  To celebrate and thank our contributions, names will be inscribed on a sign of recognition displayed at The ReStore.

Diamond Sponsor:  Above $2,000

Gold Sponsor: $1,001- $1,500

Silver Sponsor: $500-$999

Bronze Sponsor:  $499