Meet the Team

Meet the Camrose Energy Team.

Empowering you with exceptional service.

At Camrose Energy, we’re incredibly proud of our friendly team of professionals who are passionate about helping you find the best energy solutions to fit your needs.

With a commitment to excellence and a customer-first approach, we can’t wait to help you every step of the way.

Get to know our fantastic team members below!

Camrose Energy

Dedicated to Lighting Up Your Life!


A lifelong Camrosian, I’m deeply rooted in this amazing community. Building Camrose Energy has been a labor of love, and I’m incredibly proud of what we’ve created. I wanted to build something that not only served our customers but also strengthened our community. That’s why we launched our Community Partner Program, allowing customers to support the causes they care about.

Some might call me a hippie for embracing solar energy back in 2012, but I prefer to think of myself as a forward-thinking environmentalist!

When I’m not busy growing our business, you can find me growing my garden or catching the latest action flick. Next to Camrose my favourite place to hang out is Panorama, where I am energized by the mountains and Toby Creek.


Hi Everyone! I’ve been working at Camrose Energy since 2020. I’m not certain I have a “job title”, I just know I love coming to work to talk with customers on the phone or who come into the office and feel good knowing I’m helping them with their energy needs. It’s the best job I’ve ever had and to work for a company that cares so much about me as an employee, their clients, and community initiatives – there’s not much more I could ask for.

Unlike Denise, I have no clue what I’m doing to my flower beds, but I like to pretend that I do. I enjoy dot painting and am addicted to Hallmark movies – particularly the Christmas ones. Even in July. I also love traveling with my daughter and cherish the travel adventures we’ve shared – she’s led me to places I never thought I’d go!


Cameron is a recent graduate from the business program at NAIT. In his spare time, he likes playing video games, reading science fiction, and swimming. Passionate about the environment and new to the industry, he is very interested in the future of solar power and the potential it holds. He also has a very silly but sweet cat named Ember.


Woof! My momma Maurina adopted me in 2022 and it didn’t take me long to become the official mascot of the office. Denise fell in love with me right away too and it was an easy decision to let me come hang out at work with them. What can I say, I’m so darn cute it’s hard to say no to me. While I can be a little bit of a shy girl, I’m always curious about whose coming into the office and will poke my nose out from under the desk to say hi. And if you wanna bring me a treat…I won’t tell mom.

I love going for walks and playing ball in the office – it’s so much fun to run up and down the hallway. I also like teasing people by playing “throw the ball but I won’t bring it back to you”. But I’m most content to curl up next to my momma at home or under her desk at work and snooze the afternoon away.

So come in for a visit with me and the team…but don’t forget the treats!


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Kind words from our community.